Woodwork Assistant

Woodwork Assistant

Organisation role · 1–6 hrs/Week · Starting from 18 Sept 2024
Unit 2, H Qube, Broom Way, High Wycombe HP13 5GX, UK
ConstructionSupervisingSupport workAccompanyingAssistanceCare work
Community & familyPeople with disabilitiesSport & recreation
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities

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Talkback UK
Scan me or visit www.volunteerbucks.org.uk/o/Talkback-UK/opportunities/Woodwork-Assistant/85318 to join


We are actively seeking Volunteers with a passion for woodwork, directly supporting members with a range of learning disabilities and autism.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

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About Talkback UK

At Talkback, our passion is to provide constant personal growth. Because this allows the members to embrace new opportunities, no matter what their age. Therefore, we ensure that every single person who walks through our door has the tools to thrive. And that’s in any aspect of their life they choose.