Data Protection Champion - Read Easy Chilterns

Data Protection Champion - Read Easy Chilterns

Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/Week
From home
EnglishITAdministrationTrusteeshipCoordinationFinancialSupervisingTrainingReading & WritingTeaching
EducationOlder people
1 No Poverty4 Quality education5 Gender equality
Trustee opportunity
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Read Easy Chilterns
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Ensuring that the group works within the Read Easy Data Protection Policy, providing induction to volunteers, maintaining audit of the groups data.

Detailed description

Read Easy provides free, confidential, one to-one reading coaching for adults who struggle with reading, through a network of volunteer groups. Read Easy groups are changing the lives of individual adults across the country by providing them with the support they need to learn to read, and in turn opening doors for them to all sorts of new opportunities in life.

Outline of Data Protection Champion (DPC) role

If you have an eye for detail, and the enjoy working alongside a diverse range of people, the DPC liaises with members of the Team to make sure that all personal data is stored according to the Data Protection Policy and generally oversees that the group’s records are kept correctly and securely.

How we will support you

You will be provided with the Management Team Handbook, policies, training/induction, guidance and resources specifically needed for this role, including access to support from a Read Easy UK Regional Adviser, via your Team Leader. You will also be invited to Read Easy UK’s regional forums and annual conference which give volunteers an opportunity for networking with those from other groups.

What you will be doing

● Ensuring the group is operating in compliance with Data Protection Policy and that all the group’s volunteers are aware of the need to abide by the guidance.

● Determining the purposes for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is processed and stored.

● Establishing who in the group is collecting, holding and processing personal data.

● Alerting the Management Team to the potential benefits of registering the group with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

● Dealing with data protection queries in accordance with the policy.

● Maintaining an audit of personal data to ensure the accuracy of records held.

● Ensuring all volunteers receive Data Protection refresher training annually.

● Attending Management Team meetings, typically every 6-8 weeks.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs
1 spot left.
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About Read Easy Chilterns

Read Easy Chilterns provides a free one to one, confidential, reading coaching service within the Chilterns area. We are looking for volunteers to work within our fantastic Management Team in roles such as Administrator, Coach Co-ordinator, Fundraiser, Recruiter and Data Management. We also require volunteers to become Reading Coaches for adults who need support learing to read.