Sexual Violence Service Volunteer Group Work Supporter
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We need volunteers for Aylesbury arts and crafts sessions on the second Tuesday of every month to assist the Sexual Violence Coordinator.Detailed description
Sexual Violence Service Volunteer – Group Work Supporters assist the sexual violence facilitators in running our informal group sessions such as walks; craft sessions or coffee drop ins; with the possibility of leading informal sessions themselves. Arts and Crafts, Walks and Coffee drop-ins happen on different days of the month.
The role will suit anyone who wishes to make a short commitment each month and who may enjoy getting involved in their community. It is also a good opportunity to assess whether volunteering is something they are interested in doing more of in the future.
Arts and Crafts
The arts and craft sessions will start with setting up the room located on the Aylesbury College campus, and helping the coordinator lay out the various materials and light refreshments that are provided. The purpose of the role is to provide a friendly face and positive atmosphere for the service users. The sessions are not for discussing the details or any aspects of their cases and volunteers will be trained to deal with any issues that arise.
Once the session is over the volunteer will help clear up.
We are looking for two volunteers in Aylesbury on the fourth Thursday of each month between 11am and 12noon to join the coordinator and service users on an hour long walk. This is a social activity which gives our service users a chance to relax and get some exercise. Walks will restart again in the new year.
We are also looking for one volunteer in Milton Keynes on the third Thursday of each month between 11am and 12 noon to take part in walks which restart in the new year.