Community Volunteer

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Supporting Brook's outreach education team to communicate and cascade positive Sexual and Reproductive Health messages to your local community.Detailed description
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals with an interest in Sexual and Reproductive Health, becoming influencers in their local communities, and supporting the delivery of our sexual health promotion and outreach service, as part of Buckinghamshire’s Integrated Sexual Health and Wellbeing service (bSHaW).
Our volunteers take action against stigma and discrimination by supporting Brook to deliver clear sex-positive messages to target beneficiary groups. They are influencers and will be equipped with the necessary training, information and skills to engage with their community and offer support regarding sexual and reproductive health. Volunteers are a voice in their communities, promoting awareness and assisting individuals to make informed choices about their sexual health and wellbeing.
This role could benefit you in many ways, such as:
- Providing insight into a national charity which supports hundreds of thousands of people every year
- Giving you increased sexual health knowledge
- Developing your skills and knowledge to support your CV
- Providing you with accredited training on a wide range of sexual health and wellbeing topics
- Giving you the opportunity to make positive impact to your community and meet likeminded people
- Providing experience in delivery of sexual and reproductive health programmes
- Increasing your confidence
Key Responsibilities
Volunteers are expected to:
- Uphold Brook's values
- Adhere to the volunteer agreement and code of conduct
- Complete all mandatory elements of your volunteer induction, including training
- Complete a DBS check, the cost of which will be covered by Brook
- Work within national, professional guidelines and Brook’s Protecting Young People (PYPP) policy where there are safeguarding issues with clients, and refer to the Designated Safeguarding teams in accordance with Brook’s Safeguarding referral pathway
- Encourage and inspire others to tackle stigma and discrimination in sexual and reproductive health by delivering clear sex-positive messages.
- Make links with existing groups and networks who may want to be access sexual and reproductive health training
- Signpost individuals in the community to relevant local services
- Promote Brook’s work and current campaigns making use of your personal and external followers/community to raise awareness
- Co-deliver community engagement events alongside other Community Champions or Brook’s Health Promotion team
- Provide feedback on experiences, lessons learned and case studies from the community
- Complete additional volunteer tasks which arise for your team
To apply for this role you must live, work or study in Buckinghamshire and be over 18.