Tuesday Coffee Morning in the Memorial Hall

Tuesday Coffee Morning in the Memorial Hall

Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/Week · Starting from 1 Apr
Link Rd, Great Missenden HP16 9AE, UK
Community & familyOlder peopleWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being

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Age Concern Great Missenden & District
Scan me or visit www.volunteerbucks.org.uk/o/Age-Concern-Great-Missenden--District/opportunities/Tuesday-Coffee-Morning-in-the-Memorial-Hall/95056 to join


The position is as Organiser of this weekly community event which has been running for 30 years

Detailed description

The role involves creating and managing a monthly rota of 4 volunteers each week, and communicating with them. Shopping for tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits. Attending the Coffee Morning as and when (not necessarily every week.)Meeting with the Treasurer once a month to pass on all monies taken, and receipts for groceries purchased.

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Age Concern Great Missenden & District

Our organisation provides 2 weekly events in Great Missenden. A Coffee Morning on Tuesday in the Memorial Hall, open for all local residenst and a Lunch Club every Thursday in the Baptist Church Hall for the over 60's