Post | August 2024 | For organisations | 1 min read

Steps to get started for organisations

Written by Stephanie Thompson
Wooden blocks on a table with a plant in the background. The words step by step can be seen on the blocks as they rise in a staircase fashion.

Please follow these steps to register your organisation on the Volunteer Bucks platform and post volunteer role(s). Please also click on the links for guidance videos (provided by Deedmob, the host of the Volunteer Bucks platform):

1.    Create an account: click on this link for a video guide.

2.   Create your organisation profile (click on this link for a video guide). There are also tips on sizing and customising your organisation profile page which can be found by clicking on this online guide. You are now an organisation administrator.

3.   Wait for the organisation to be approved by the Volunteer Bucks admin team

4.   Create a volunteer role/opportunity (click on this link for a video guide). Please also familiarise yourself with the different options when you set up a role/opportunity, and follow this video guide for help.  

5.   Ask a colleague to set up an account: click on this link for a video guide.

6.   Invite them to join as another admin/moderator/member to your organisation: click on this link for a video guide.


In our upcoming webinars for organisations, we will also demonstrate what it’s like when a volunteer applies for one of your volunteering roles, and how to change the status of the application, from “pending” to “match”. Click on this link for a video guide.

If you would like to attend one of our webinars, where we will be going through these steps and can help to answer any questions, find out more and register on our Organisations: webinars to help you get started webpage.

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